Nick Fury brings together a team of super humans to form The Avengers to help save the Earth from Loki and his army. [imdb]
Nominated for 1 Oscar:
Best Visual Effects
The film is clearly an excuse to make money, and this time it worked. They brought together a group of relatively well-known actors, built up on the back of the Iron Man franchise (did anyone even see Captain America?! not me :p ) and came up with this adaptation - that overall doesn't work that much for me. Some characters are great; Iron Man is always charismatic in the hands of Robert Downey Jr., but most of them aren't. What is Jeremy Renner doing in this film?! Why does the only female character have no real superpower?!
My dislike for Mark Ruffalo comes naturally, as I can't stand seeing him on camera (sorry!). I've never seen Thor, so that guy makes little sense to me and... the villain is such a pathetic one, from his name to his "superpowers" and background. What survives is the shitload of visual effects, most of it thrown at us in the last 30-40 minutes. That justifies the nomination, though nothing groundbreaking there either.
My rating for the film: 5.5/10. Little to get excited about; some mindless fun.
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