Friday, April 3, 2009

Mrs. Parkington (1944)

The old and rich Mrs. Parkington remembers her life, starting with the moment when, as a poor girl, met & married her husband.

Nominated for 2 Oscars:

Best Actress: Greer Garson
Best Supporting Actress: Agnes Moorehead

Another long-searched very rare movie posted by some wonderful people on youtube. Happy I saw it, but I must say: it's a flop. :D The screenplay is too rushed, it almost entirely lacks emotion; the performances are dry and... well... you just don't care for the film.

The appreciation for Agnes Moorehead's performance (the Oscar nomination and the Golden Globe win) is ABSURD. She does nothing for the film but to give us an embarrassing French accent and, more than that, she's not even the best supporting actress in her own film, let alone of the year. Greer Garson is not that bad, but I've seen her doing this before. Her strongest part is the last scene which saves the performance. For a third of the film Greer appears with heavy makeup (she's supposed to be like 90 years old); at first, she's not believable, but as the film progresses the old Mrs. Parkington becomes the best part of her performance.
My rating for the film: 4.5/10. It's for die hard Oscar fans only.

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